Vertica Agent Service Not starting

Hi everyone, I have upgraded the vertica to the recent version (11.0.1) and the database is up and running. After that, the installation of vertica console was also successful. But when i am trying to import the database in the console I am getting an error "Connection could not be established with the agent". I have tried starting the agent but the service of the agent is not starting and it's in the stopped state event after running the "Start" or "Restart". I am using ubuntu 14 and systemctl does not work in ubuntu. I am wondering if have any knowledge of this.


  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Please open a support case.
    It is advised to work with Version 11.0.2-5

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    I assume you're starting the agent with /opt/vertica/sbin/vertica_agent start
    Please check the agent*.log files under /opt/vertica/log to see if there is any detail. As noted, support can assist.
    However, as of Vertica 11, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has known issues according to supported platforms, and it is recommended to upgrade to a fully supported version - 16 LTS or later.

  • Thanks everyone for the help. Apparently, the last installation wasnt correct and few of the files were missing while I was upgrading the environment. I re-installed the server and everything is working perfectly. Thanks

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