Error displaying details of a table from MC after upgrade
Vertica Customer ✭
I recently upgraded my Vertica cluster to version 11.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6 including the Management Console.
The process was successful but when I log into the MC, go to the Activity > Table Utilization section and select any table I get the following error:
Unable to retrieve chart data
When checking the end-point that failed it shows me the following:
{ "mappingStatus": { "mappingStatus": "none", "missedSchemas": [], "force-local-access": true, "Loaded from cache": false, "Datasource enabled": false, "missedTables": [] }, "status": "failed", "failureReason": "[Vertica][VJDBC](2624) ERROR: Column \"ros_used_bytes\" does not exist" }
In the vertica.log file I get the following:
<ERROR> @v_gsi3_node0001: 42703/2624: Column "ros_used_bytes" does not exist <ERROR> @v_gsi3_node0001: 42703/2624: Column "storage_type" does not exist
The SQL query it is trying to execute is the following:
SELECT ps.projection_name as 'Projection Name', CAST(ps.projection_id as varchar) as 'Projection Id', ps.node_name as Node, ros_used_bytes as 'Ros Bytes', CASE WHEN SUM(ros_used_bytes) OVER (partition by ps.projection_id) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CAST(ROUND(ros_used_bytes / SUM(ros_used_bytes) OVER (partition by ps.projection_id) * 100, 0) as int) END AS 'Distribution %', verified_fault_tolerance as 'K-safety', projections.create_type as 'Create Type', projections.is_segmented as 'Segmented' from v_monitor.projection_storage ps INNER JOIN v_catalog.projections as projections USING (projection_id) INNER JOIN v_internal.vs_projection_columns as vs_projection_columns on (ps.projection_id = vs_projection_columns.proj) AND ps.anchor_table_id = 45035996283042932 group by ps.node_name, ps.projection_name, ps.projection_id, ros_used_bytes, ps.anchor_table_name, ps.projection_schema, verified_fault_tolerance, is_segmented, create_type order by 2, 1;
As far as I could see the "ros_used_bytes" column of the "v_monitor.projection_storage" view the correct name is "used_bytes".
Did I make some mistakes while updating the MC?, is it a bug in the MC?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you for reporting the issue. I am able to reproduce the issue locally and it is a bug in MC. I have raised a bug with engineering. VER-81891 is the bug number.
Thank you very much SruthiA.
I will be waiting for this hotfix/release.
Have a nice day!
@SruthiA Do you know if this problem has been fixed?
I tried latest version vertica-console-11.1.1-9.x86_64, but the issue persists.
@aoropeza : I just checked the JIRA.. It is not yet fixed.
@aoropeza This issue has been resolved. Please upgrade to 12.0.3-1. Please find the release notes for the same.
VER-85070 UI - Management Console Errors were appearing on Activity -> Table Utilization and Table Details pages of the MC. Those errors were related to the references of columns in system tables that have been deleted. The issue was resolved.