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Is there any way to promote secondary subcluster to primary subcluster? — Vertica Forum

Is there any way to promote secondary subcluster to primary subcluster?

cyuncyun Vertica Employee
edited August 2022 in General Discussion

Is there any way to promote secondary subcluster to primary subcluster when primary subcluster was down?
If there are two or more primary subclusters with the same number of nodes and specifications, I wonder if there is a way to use DML without restrictions even if a specific primary subcluster goes down.

dbadmin=> select version();
 Vertica Analytic Database v12.0.0-0

-- Even if I have two primary subclusters, if one primary subcluster goes down, the remaining clusters(including primary subcluster) are converted to read-only mode.

dbadmin=> select subcluster_name, node_name, node_state, is_primary, is_readonly from nodes order by node_name;
 subcluster_name |     node_name     | node_state | is_primary | is_readonly 
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0001 | UP         | t          | f
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0002 | UP         | t          | f
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0003 | UP         | t          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0004 | UP         | t          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0005 | UP         | t          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0006 | UP         | t          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0007 | UP         | f          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0008 | UP         | f          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0009 | UP         | f          | f

-- primary subcluster #2 shutdown

dbadmin=> select shutdown_subcluster('sc2');

dbadmin=> select subcluster_name, node_name, node_state, is_primary, is_readonly from nodes order by node_name;
 subcluster_name |     node_name     | node_state | is_primary | is_readonly 
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0001 | UP         | t          | t
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0002 | UP         | t          | t
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0003 | UP         | t          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0004 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0005 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0006 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0007 | UP         | f          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0008 | UP         | f          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0009 | UP         | f          | t
(9 rows)

dbadmin=> create table t1(c1 int);
ERROR 10428:  Transaction commit aborted since the database is currently in read-only mode
HINT:  Commits will be restored when the database restores the quorum

-- If I have an additional secondary subcluster in one primary subcluster, the secondary subcluster cannot be promoted to the primary subcluster after the primary subcluster is down.

dbadmin=> select demote_subcluster_to_secondary('sc2');
(1 row)

dbadmin=> select subcluster_name, node_name, node_state, is_primary, is_readonly from nodes order by node_name;
 subcluster_name |     node_name     | node_state | is_primary | is_readonly 
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0001 | UP         | t          | f
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0002 | UP         | t          | f
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0003 | UP         | t          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0004 | UP         | f          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0005 | UP         | f          | f
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0006 | UP         | f          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0007 | UP         | f          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0008 | UP         | f          | f
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0009 | UP         | f          | f
(9 rows)

dbadmin=> select shutdown_subcluster('sc1');

 Subcluster shutdown

dbadmin=> select subcluster_name, node_name, node_state, is_primary, is_readonly from nodes order by node_name;
 subcluster_name |     node_name     | node_state | is_primary | is_readonly 
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0001 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0002 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc1             | v_vertdb_node0003 | DOWN       | t          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0004 | UP         | f          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0005 | UP         | f          | t
 sc2             | v_vertdb_node0006 | UP         | f          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0007 | UP         | f          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0008 | UP         | f          | t
 sc3             | v_vertdb_node0009 | UP         | f          | t
(9 rows)

dbadmin=> select promote_subcluster_to_primary('sc2');
ERROR 10551:  Modifying subclusters is not supported in read-only mode
HINT:  The operation will be supported when the database is restored to full mode


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