What will be the next free and up-to-date operating system supported by Vertica?
The company wants something that is more up-to-date, with newer packages, a new kernel, and free, rhel flavored for development purposes.
After reading: https://www.vertica.com/docs/12.0.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/SupportedPlatforms/MCandServer.htm?zoom_highlight=rhel
It seems like all operating systems except RHEL are quite old, reached their End of Standard Support/EOL, or are near End of Standard Support/EOL:
Amazon Linux 2 -> 30.06.2023 (EOL)
RHEL 7 / Centos 7 / Oracle Linux 7 -> quite old, only maintenance (Standard Support already reached, 2 years ago: 2020-08-06, only maintenance updates until: 2024-06-30)
openSUSE Leap 42.3 -> Jul 1st 2019 (Reached EOL)
Even deb family looks quite bad:
Debian 10.x -> 08.2022
Ubuntu 18.x -> 04.2023 (eol is 2028)
Will you support Rocky Linux or Alma Linux? It looks like overall you probably won't support any os that is free from RHEL family.
Best Answer
mosheg Vertica Employee Administrator
With no commitment, Vertica will add Rocky and Alma as supported operating systems soon.
Hey there @mosheg
It has been a year since this news; I must find an alternative because everything has stayed the same in the documentation. Will there be planned support for Oracle Linux 8-9 / Rocky / Alma?
Oracle Linux 7 EOL is in 11 months, and we are still looking for a free alternative (rhel based).
Recently Red Hat announced that it will no longer publicly publish RHEL on git.centos.org and CentOS Stream will now be “the sole repository for RHEL-related source code." Which makes me even more eager to know if anything will change in the supported operating system section.
With no commitment, Rocky 8 will be supported in v24.1 expected around January 2024.
Please open a support case if this impacts your needs.