Every CALL to stored procedure allocates memory to Vertica process which never released

rajuk99rajuk99 Community Edition User
edited September 2022 in General Discussion

Hi Vertica support,
I created a stored procedure which inserts data from one table to another. Vertica server started to crash due to lack of memory periodically. I started analyzing query inside store procedure and eventually remove everything except BEGIN...END but still see each CALL to stored procedure allocate more memory to Vertica which never gets released.

I checked the resource pool and the configuration looks ok. Issue only happens when calling stored procedure.

Is there a known issue with stored procedure memory leak? What are my options.



  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    Could you please share me your stored procedure definition and analysis performed to confirm memory is not released.

  • VValdarVValdar Vertica Employee Employee

    Hi Raju,

    Thanks for bringing this up; this definitely needs to be followed with a support case, could you open one?
    Can you also provide the Vertica version you're using?

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