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Can we expand client protocol - add field os_hostname, for security and audit purposes — Vertica Forum

Can we expand client protocol - add field os_hostname, for security and audit purposes

Sergey_Cherepan_1Sergey_Cherepan_1 ✭✭✭
edited October 2022 in General Discussion


Can I ask for a new feature - expand client protocol, add field os_hostname.
Right now for Vertica connection I can see IP. While it is sufficient, it is very painful to work with, as DNS is typically slow, and resolving IP to hostname and seeing it in query result on various DC tables is not possible.

I can write c++ UDx that will resolve IP through DNS call, but that would have very unstable performance and can just plain hang. And, generally will be very poorly performing on millions of rows.

If you would add in next version of Vertica protocol (4.4) new field - os_hostname, and populate with what is reported by hostname, you will make working at Vertica connections much easier.

Corresponding DC tables and some system views should be expanded to add new field - os_hostname.

That should be filed under new features for security and audit.

Thank you



  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator

    Thank you Sergey,
    Please open a support case for this NFR to elaborate its performance and business justification.

    BTW, for monitoring you can add labels to your queries, in addition to comments you can create on database objects, and file names to populate columns while you load data (E.g. column_name AS CURRENT_LOAD_SOURCE()) in you COPY statements.
    You can also track sessions in vertica.log for example:
    1. select current_trans_id(); --> 1234567890
    2. select to_hex(1234567890); --> a0015df32c
    3. grep a0015df32c vertica.log

  • Thanks for hints!
    Will open new feature request with support.
    CURRENT_LOAD_SOURCE() is limited only to Vertica built-in sources. We are using all custom c++ sources. Typical load involves combining multiple files into one load. All of it makes CURRENT_LOAD_SOURCE() unusable.

  • Opened new feature support request 02418358

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