MAPTOSTRING turns JSON arrays into objects keyed by array index and erases types
Vertica Customer
Hey I noticed that the MAPTOSTRING built-in produces JSON that is not quite what one loaded in, even when using FJSONParser(flatten_maps=FALSE,flatten_arrays=FALSE)
. I leafed through some of the available source I'm guessing that's by design as all flex inputs are turned into the VMap
internal representation which doesn't have a notion of "arrays" or "value types"
Here's a minimal example:
CREATE FLEX TABLE some_json();
my json:
{ "stuff": [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ], "id": 0 } { "stuff": [ "e", "f", "g", "h" ], "id": 1 }
loading it in:
$ echo '{"stuff": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "id": 0}\n{"stuff": ["e", "f", "g", "h"], "id": 1}' | vsql ... -c "COPY some_json(__raw__) FROM STDIN PARSER public.FJSONParser(flatten_maps=FALSE,flatten_arrays=FALSE)"
what it looks like
$ vsql ... -c "SELECT public.MapToString(__raw__) FROM some_json" MapToString ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "id": "0", "stuff": { "0": "a", "1": "b", "2": "c", "3": "d" } } { "id": "1", "stuff": { "0": "e", "1": "f", "2": "g", "3": "h" } } (2 rows)
Is there a way of keeping around the originally loaded data alongside the VMAP column?
You can keep a copy of input JSON objects in a separate column.
Well. Can we have a new feature - MapToString should try to deduct if this is an array.
If all keys in dict are sequential numbers starting from 0, it is a sign of array. MapToString should produce an array in this case.
That would nicely solve a problem.
This new feature of MapToString should be triggered by new parameter - do_my_best_to_figure_out_array. If set to true, new behaviour will be triggered.
Please consider filing new feature request.
@Ariel_Cary can you create internal feature request, to make MapToString deduct array, when additional parameter specified?