Unable to Move Data location in Vertica

Hii, I'm unable to move anything from my current location to /home/dbadmin/vertica/SSD/.
Tried :
CREATE LOCATION '/home/dbadmin/vertica/SSD/' ALL NODES USAGE 'DATA'; SELECT SET_OBJECT_STORAGE_POLICY('public', '/datadrive/vertica/SSD/', 'true');
got error :
SQL Error [5662] [55000]: [Vertica][VJDBC](5662) ERROR: Storage tier /datadrive/vertica/SSD/ has not been found on all nodes
then tried :
GRANT ALL ON LOCATION '/home/dbadmin/vertica/SSD' TO dbadmin;
and got error :
SQL Error [5365] [42704]: [Vertica][VJDBC](5365) ROLLBACK: User available location ["/home/dbadmin/vertica/SSD"] does not exist on node ["v_vertica_reg_node0001"]
Any Help would be grateful!
Vertica doesn't create the filesystem path when CREATE LOCATION is run. As the error message indicates, it is necessary to create the filesystem path and assign correct permissions on all nodes before running CREATE LOCATION. Please see doc for more info: https://www.vertica.com/docs/12.0.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/SQLReferenceManual/Statements/CreateLocation.htm