(3) node cluster TLS configuration vertica11.x how to add 3 nodes in SAN with CREATE CERTIFICATE
Please can you provide SAN how to add 3 nodes as document is says only one node,
Tried below it didnt work, only first node is accepted and rest ignored ???
CREATE CERTIFICATE server_crt_test SUBJECT '/C=XX/ST=XX/L=XX/O=xXX/OU=XXX/CN=Vertica SRV' SIGNED BY ca_cert EXTENSIONS 'authorityKeyIdentifier' = 'keyid:always,issuer', 'nsCertType' = 'server','extendedKeyUsage' = 'serverAuth', 'subjectAltName' = 'DNS.1:BBBBBBB,IP:YYYYYYY\n'DNS.2:CCCCCCCCCCC,IP:RRRRRR\n'DNS.3:AAAAAAAA,IP:GGGGGG' KEY server_key;
Best Answers
SruthiA Administrator
Please use comma separated list like below to specify all 3 nodes.
'subjectAltName' = 'DNS.1:alt_hostname1,IP:IP_address1,DNS.2:alt_hostname2,IP:IP_address2,DNS.3:alt_hostname3,IP:IP_address3'