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python to_sql with method='multi' error — Vertica Forum

python to_sql with method='multi' error

davdsdavds Vertica Customer

I try to use lib: sqlalchemy_vertica to_sql function load data into Vertica, but found out performance is slow.

I tried to use the option: method='multi',chunksize=1000 to do bulk insert, but I got error.

Does Vertica support this option? any suggestion to speed up this insert process?



Best Answers

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    What version of Vertica are you running? Multi-row INSERT as shown is support in v11.1.1 and later. Upgrade Vertica, or try it without the "multi" keyword.

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Vertica 9 is end of life according to https://www.microfocus.com/productlifecycle/
    The current released Python driver is compatible with version 9.x to current, so VerticaPy should also work with Vertica 9.


  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Which Python package did you install? sqlalchemy_vertica appears older, maybe try https://pypi.org/project/sqlalchemy-vertica-python/
    Also, what type of object are you trying to load? Vertica supported tools like the natvie Python driver or VerticaPy may provide better functionality and performance.

  • davdsdavds Vertica Customer

    PYTHON 3.10

    I try to load data frame to vertica, if without "method='multi', chunksize=100" work fine, but it was slow.
    but after I add these two options, I got syntax error.

    here is example how to use to_sql in the other database:

    Python code:

    df.to_sql('test', schema='sandbox'
    , con=engine, if_exists='replace', index=False

    , method='multi', chunksize=10


    [SQL: INSERT INTO test (NAME, DEPT, num_list, min_date, max_date, cnt)
    VALUES ('A','HR','1,2,3','01/01','02/01',10), ('B','Sale','1,2,3','01/01','02/01',10)

    sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (vertica_python.errors.VerticaSyntaxError) Severity: ERROR, Message: Syntax error at or near ",",

  • davdsdavds Vertica Customer

    OK, got it. our Vertica version is not support and we need upgrade Vertica first.


  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Another option is to import VerticaPy and use the pandas_to_vertica function:

  • davdsdavds Vertica Customer

    our current Vertica is: Vertica Analytic Database v9.2.1-28

    does this still is in Vertica support version? has the end-of-life date for this version?


  • VValdarVValdar Vertica Employee Employee

    Hi @davds ,

    9.2 is no longer on committed support meaning we won't backport new features or bug resolutions on this version.
    But you can still open cases and customer support will provide answers, as long as you have a valid support contract.

    Even if we encourage our customers to upgrade to latest version when possible we don't force anyone.
    Of course, not upgrading prevents the access to the most recent features and bug fixes.

  • davdsdavds Vertica Customer
    edited February 2023

    still got error said : table not found.

    Connecting to the Database


    from verticapy.utilities import *

    vp.pandas_to_vertica( df = df
    , name= "tmp_vertica_tst_ds2"
    , schema= "sandbox"
    , insert = "True"

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\vertica_read_sql_build_pattern_onfly.py", line 150, in
    vp.pandas_to_vertica( df = df
    File "C:\Users\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\venv\lib\site-packages\verticapy\utilities.py", line 1128, in pandas_to_vertica
    vdf = vDataFrame(name, schema=schema)
    File "C:\Users\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\venv\lib\site-packages\verticapy\vdataframe.py", line 350, in init
    assert columns != [], MissingRelation(
    AssertionError: No table or views 'tmp_vertica_tst_ds2' found.

    but I tried to new table, got table not exist:

    vertica_python.errors.MissingRelation: Severity: ERROR, Message: Relation "sandbox.tmp_vertica_tst_ds2" does not exist,

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