Issue with Vertica connector

we are facing error while trying to connect vertica database in power bi with both ODBC and Vertica named connection if its enabled the load balancing option. Please help to address the below error.

ODBC: ERROR [08001] [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (160) Connection attempt
failed: could not send SSL negotiation packet: Socket is not connected


  • Hi,

    Can you please provide some other information to debug the issue:

    1) Are you sure the export addresses on the server are correctly set up? For load balancing to work, we have to be able to directly reach all the individual nodes on the server from the client:
    Run the following query to check the Vertica nodes private and public IP addresses:
    SELECT node_name, node_address, export_address, node_address_family FROM nodes;
    2)If you try to connect to each individual node using VSQL in your PBI machine, are you able to?
    3) Which version of Vertica server and Power BI you are using?

    Please let us know with the answers meanwhile I will check from my side.

  • HI ,

    I did the quick test with latest version of PBI with Vertica 12.0.4 using named connector and odbc generic connector in both the cases load balancing is enabled from the server side. I am able to connect it without any issue.

    Please can you check with your export address and let me know if you still having problem.

  • The error message indicates that there was a problem with the SSL negotiation between Power BI and the Vertica database. This could be caused by several factors, including incorrect SSL settings or a network connectivity issue.

    One possible solution is to check the SSL settings in both Power BI and the Vertica database. Make sure that the SSL settings match and that the SSL certificate is valid and trusted.

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