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Pandas_to_vertica is deleting my excel rows — Vertica Forum

Pandas_to_vertica is deleting my excel rows

AliAli Vertica Customer

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with the function "pandas_to_vertica"
Lats Friday, it was working just fine, I upload my excel of 41,591 rows, and my vdataframe has also 41,591 rows
Today, after lauching the exact same code, my excel has still 41,591 rows but my vdataframe has only 34,722 rows
I searched on the internet but did not find anything useful

I tried reuploading the excel, relaunching Jupyter, but nothing is working

Can somebody help me?

Thank you very much,
Kinds regards

Best Answer

  • AliAli Vertica Customer
    Answer ✓

    The problem was resolved, but I don't know the details

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