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Vertica Cluster Deployment in Azure - Single AZ vs. Multi AZ — Vertica Forum

Vertica Cluster Deployment in Azure - Single AZ vs. Multi AZ

Hi Team,
As per the online doc https://docs.vertica.com/12.0.x/en/setup/set-up-on-cloud/on-aws/deploy-using-cloudformation-templates/creating-a-virtual-private-cloud/, Vertica cluster on AWS should be in 1 single AZ. However, we are planning to deploy it in Azure and do not see if such a limitation exists? Can someone please comment on the same?


Best Answer

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator
    Answer ✓

    It's possible to deploy Vertica across multiple AZ on all clouds; however, we don't regularly test such configurations, so there could be issues with network latency, and it's necessary to ensure that the subnets/VPCs/etc. allow TCP and UDP traffic to reach all nodes, and for clients to be able to connect as necessary. So it's technically possible, but up to the DBA to provide and support the necessary network configs and other settings to manage multiple AZ deployment. You may need to install Vertica from cloud image or RPM/DEB package as the marketplace installers don't support multiple AZ, though you could install in single AZ and add nodes/subclusters from other AZ.


  • Hi Bryan,
    Thanks for the response!
    Well, its a very basic requirement to be able to utilize all 3 zones for cloud deployments and its strange to see we have to rely on the DB's at customer side who might not necessarily have experience on Vertica for such deployments. Why don't we outline pre-reqs for multi-AZ deployments and leave it to the customer to decide the approach? If we want to follow the above suggestion to deploy each node in diff AZ, is there a document which can be followed? Thank you!

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    It would be possible to follow manual install steps to deploy Vertica across multiple AZ by creating instances and then installing as if these were physical hosts: https://docs.vertica.com/12.0.x/en/setup/set-up-on-premises/
    You can contact us internally also to discuss specific use cases - find me @ Bryan Herger on Outlook/Teams

  • Thanks Bryan for the response. After discussion with customer, it has been agreed to deploy the cluster into a single AZ. Will revert if something new comes up. Thank you!

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