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Retrieving all data as null after integrating with Apache Iceberg — Vertica Forum

Retrieving all data as null after integrating with Apache Iceberg

edited October 2023 in General Discussion

Hello Team , I am introducing Vertica with Apache Iceberg to query our data lake ,
I am following this [https://docs.vertica.com/12.0.x/en/sql-reference/statements/create-statements/create-external-table-iceberg/]

First I mapped Path prefixes

ALTER SESSION SET IcebergPathMapping=

then I have created the table and referred to iceberg metadata path ,

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tablename STORED BY ICEBERG LOCATION 'hdfs_path_to_iceberg_table';

if I made the count

select count(*) from tablename ; 

it prints the correct count .

but when I query the tablename I receive all the results as NULL

select * from tablename limit 100;

So please, is there any thing missing from my side ?

Thanks in Advance .



  • Administrator

    I see that you are pointing to 12.0 link. we don't support iceberg format in 12.x . could you please share your vertica version? run your select query and share the output of the following

    select * from query_events where transaction_id = and statement_id =

  • edited October 2023

    Sorry I am running on the latest version as I use Vertica docker image ,
    please where I can get the transaction_id and statment_id ;

  • Administrator

    profile your select query as below and it should display the transaction id and statement id.

    profile select column1, column2, column3, column4 from tableName limit 10;

  • Okay @SruthiA the output is 603 records , please which record I can share

  • Administrator

    I need to see the whole output.. if you have privacy concerns, please create a support case. we can have a webEx to review it.

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