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Is it possible to somehow rename the Vertica schema without interrupting current transaction, withou — Vertica Forum

Is it possible to somehow rename the Vertica schema without interrupting current transaction, withou


I currently have a task of renaming a Vertica schema.
The problem is that this schema is being intensely used (writes / reads).
I fear that after renaming the schema, all ongoing transactions will just fail.
What happens to ongoing transactions if I run the ALTER SCHEMA RENAME TO command?

Is it possible to somehow rename the Vertica schema without interrupting current transaction, without downtime?

Thank you.


  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    This should work as expected.

    Every Vertica transaction picks up a snapshot of the database catalogue at its beginning, and keeps it for the duration of the transaction - until COMMIT (also implicitly or through Autocommit) or ROLLBACK.

    So, if a transaction with ID 42, going
    INSERT INTO foobar.target SELECT * FROM foo.source;
    , is under way at the moment that you go:
    ... then transaction with ID 42 will keep working with the snapshot it took before the ALTER SCHEMA command was issued until it commits.

  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    But of course, if the insert-select is followed by a COMMIT, in a script, and a following command wants to select from schema foo that does not exist any more, a new snapshot will be taken, and the script will fail at that point.

  • thank you, @marcothesane!

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