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Error while inserting data into a table with array type columns — Vertica Forum

Error while inserting data into a table with array type columns

edited January 2024 in General Discussion

I am using vertica version "Vertica Analytic Database v12.0.4-11" have a table like this

CREATE TABLE public.test
id int,
LINKS array[varchar(2048), 250]

If I try to insert multiple rows in to the above table like this

insert into test values
(1, '[http://www.somelink123.com/cummins-qsb3-9-engine.html,http://www.facebook.com/]' ),
(1, '[http://www.somelink123.com/somenew-link/somenew-link-reallynew-link/somenewlink-link-new.html,http://www.facebook.com/]')

getting an error which says

09:29:11 START Executing for: 'Vertica' [Vertica], Schema: public
09:29:11 FAILED [INSERT - 0 rows, 0.683 secs] [Code: 9988, SQL State: 22V02] [Vertica]VJDBC **ERROR: Invalid input syntax for type Varchar(80): "http://www.somelink123.com/somenew-link/somenew-link-reallynew-link/somenewlink-link-new.html"

strangely although I have defined the type in the array as varchar(2048) I still see varchar(80) for the second row which is having values beyond 80 charecters error while inserting data

at the same time if I try to insert just one value lets say just the second value which is having strings beyond 80 charecters it works!!

What am I missing here?


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