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Append failed in UDFS File CreateTask: No space left on device — Vertica Forum

Append failed in UDFS File CreateTask: No space left on device

joergschaberjoergschaber Vertica Customer


I get a strange error with an Insert query which goes something like:

then I get

Append failed in UDFS File CreateTask: /data//../_node0001_data/Sort_Temp_part_0_45035996385888743_2_0_0_-1.dat No space left on device

The Management Console says that disk space usage is low, so I wonder why there is 'No space left on device'.

Any idea?


  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    This may be a known issue with older Vertica. What version of Vertica are you running?

  • joergschaberjoergschaber Vertica Customer

    I am running version 23.4.

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    Can you connect to the node and check disk space with "df -h" to be sure MC has current data? This seems like something where we'll need to see the full query, collect vertica.log from the node that runs out of space, and watch execution to see where the sort_temp files are coming from, so I recommend opening a support case.

  • joergschaberjoergschaber Vertica Customer

    will do. Thanks.

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