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What is the best alternative in Vertica version 12 for SELECT S3 export — Vertica Forum

What is the best alternative in Vertica version 12 for SELECT S3 export

With select s3 export we do get desired file url name and row count, but with Vertica version 12 what we have observed that for every query we need to have a new directory and with desired file name we get single file we can't use filesizemb as per the document so there is a possibility that it may produced a big chunk of files 10 cr. Also I dont see the option of using PARTITION over best rather we observed in case of omitting filename, the rows are divied into multiple file chunks based on nodes but the naming convention is not the desired naming convention which we used in SELECT S3 export. We need an alternative to ```SELECT S3EXPORT(* USING PARAMETERS url='s3://bucketname/random/BATCH-09b5c781-055a-4254-8dc7-dfe7c3610469-72994-55-identified.csv', delimiter=',', enclosed_by='"', prepend_hash=false, chunksize='10485760') OVER(PARTITION BEST) FROM (/* subquery /) AS B;
WARNING 6619: /
+syntactic_join*/ hint omitted, ignoring join hints

rows | url
40661 | https://bucketname/random/BATCH-09b5c781-055a-4254-8dc7-dfe7c3610469-72994-55-identified.16bcb1c7.csv
41449 | https://bucketname/random/BATCH-09b5c781-055a-4254-8dc7-dfe7c3610469-72994-55-identified.c6af6f08.csv
41266 | https://bucketname/random/BATCH-09b5c781-055a-4254-8dc7-dfe7c3610469-72994-55-identified.e95c2cf0.csv
(3 rows)



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