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Log message "Could not estimate database size. Switching to exhaustive mode" — Vertica Forum

Log message "Could not estimate database size. Switching to exhaustive mode"

I stumbled about this in vertica.log (both in 11.0.0 as well as 12.0.4; both Eon): when running audit requests, quite some warnings show up ;
a00000290857b3 [Txn] Begin Txn: a00000290857b3 'executing audit'
a00000290857b3 [EE] **** Could not estimate database size. Switching to exhaustive mode****
a00000290857b3 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a00000290857b3 'executing audit'

Sadly neither the documentation nor the KB is of not much help here. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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