Configuring two Communal Storages in Vertica Eon Mode
Vertica Customer ✭
I have a database named DBTest in Eon Mode that was assigned the bucket s3://bucket01 (instance 01 of MinIO) at the time of its creation. However, we want to create another communal storage that points to the bucket s3://bucket02 (instance 02 of MinIO). This is because the information from each MinIO instance belongs to different departments, and we do not want to "mix" the information.
Then create a policy to specify that all information from the "test" schema should go to the bucket s3://bucket02.
Is it possible to accomplish this?
location_path | s3://bucket01/
location_usage | DATA
sharing_type | COMMUNAL
Best Answer
SruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator
we dont support multiple communal storage locations for single eon cluster.
Thanks SruthiA for your answer.