Port 5444 not available


We have installed RHEL9.3 OS on vertica servers.

While executing the command /etc/init.d/vertica_agent status

getting below error
-bash: /etc/init.d/vertica_agent: No such file or directory

Is there any compatibility issue with RHEL9.3 ?

Also agent port 5444 is not showing with netstat -tupln command.



  • moshegmosheg Vertica Employee Administrator
    edited March 10

    Q - Is there any compatibility issue with RHEL9.3 ?
    A - Since Vertica version 24.1 RHEL 9.x is supported.

    Q - Also agent port 5444 is not showing with netstat -tupln command.
    A - This will print the network connections only while Vertica database is up.
    Your database is probably down.
    Try this as Vertica super user (dbadmin) to check your DB state: admintools -t list_allnodes

    Q - Why we see: /etc/init.d/vertica_agent: No such file or directory
    A - Since 2015, the majority of Linux distributions have adopted systemd, having replaced other init systems such as SysV init.
    As mentioned in /etc/init.d/README, on systemd-based OS traditional init scripts have been replaced by native systemd services files.
    Try: systemctl status verticad
    And: systemctl | grep -i vertica

  • Thanks Mosheg,

    But we have installed older Vertica version 10.0.1-14 . since we are planning to do copy cluster from the existing vertica cluster which is using this older version.

    Is this version is supported with RHEL 9.3?

  • All vertica nodes are UP, still port 5444 is not showing.

  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    RHEL 9.3 is not supported with vertica 10.0.1-14. Where are you checking for port 5444?

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