Frequent MergeOuts from Active Partition

bmurrellbmurrell Community Edition User

I have a table where the active partition is constantly merging out.
The table is fed from a live feed so will be lots of small transactions. I can't change that.
It's the top table in my list of mergeouts for last 24 hours.

 schema_name |        table_name        |        projection_name         | total_duration  | MergeOuts | min_duration | avg_duration | max_duration
 <schema>          | <table>                      | <table>_b1                            | 11:14:58.9569 |          12690 | 0                          |    00:00:03     | 00:02:23
 <schema>          | <table>                      | <table>_b0                            | 10:30:26.8301 |          12203 | 0                          |    00:00:03     | 00:02:25

So it's merging out for over 11 hours per projection per day.
Is there anything I can do about this ?



  • SruthiASruthiA Vertica Employee Administrator

    could you please open a support case. we need to check the size of ros containers being created.

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