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Rebalancing tables — Vertica Forum

Rebalancing tables

bmurrellbmurrell Community Edition User

I have 2 Production Vertica databases.
They both had nodes added to a few years ago.
I'm running the following SQL : -
select * from v_monitor.rebalance_table_status where to_transfer_bytes > 0 order by to_transfer_bytes

In 1 database this is empty, but the other has many entries. If I look at get_projection_segments for those projections, the output is .
What does that mean ?
Does it mean the metadata is corrupt?
Are queries not filtering correctly based on the hash segmentation?



  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    it is possible that you had added nodes in one database and not in another database. Please open a support ticket and share scrutinizes from 2 clusters

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