How do I debug Code: '42601', Message: 'Syntax error at or near "NaN"',
How do I debug this
[QueryErrorResponse: Syntax error at or near "NaN"] {
fields: {
'86': 'ERROR',
Severity: 'ERROR',
Code: '42601',
Message: 'Syntax error at or near "NaN"',
Position: '87',
File: '/data/jenkins/workspace/RE-ReleaseBuilds/RE-Knuckleboom/server/vertica/Parser/scan.l',
Line: '1058',
Routine: 'base_yyerror'
code: '42601'
its from a very long COPY TABLE statement , and as far as I can tell neither the statement nor the file it's reading from have an NaN
anywhere in it
COPY test.types FROM STDIN PARSER fcsvparser( , , ...) REJECTMAX 1 ABORT ON ERROR rejected data as table test.types_rejects;
EDIT Never mind! The NaN was in a preceding query.