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Changing BD password - NOT dbadmin user — Vertica Forum

Changing BD password - NOT dbadmin user

Someone with more experience in Vertica to answer my question to the following scenario, if when installing the database I put a password to the DB in the admintools, is it possible to change that DB password in the future?


Best Answer

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator
    Answer ✓

    dbadmin user password is used to start and stop the database. could you please share more information on scenario?


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    yes it is possible. It is better to open a support case when you plan to change the dbadmin password.

  • Hi Sruthia, but I don't want to change the password of the dbadmin, the password to which I refer is the one of the DB that is the one that asks us when we stop and start the DB, I don't know if I understand. In my case I have a different password for the dbadmin and another one for the DB.

  • Thanks Sruthia, I'm beginner in Vertica you're right. I tested it in my lab, changing the pass to the user dbadmin and it is the same password with which I start the DB.

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