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Vertica blob storage on Azure — Vertica Forum

Vertica blob storage on Azure

This is the first time I do an Azure installation of an Eon mode DB, however, when I want to create the DB, I get the following error.

"return code 4 stdout '' stderr 'Logged exception in writeBufferToFile: RecvFiles failed in closing file [azb://verticasamexqa.blob.core.windows.net/ModeloBi/ModeloBi_rw_access_test.txt]: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch: This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission. (403). Writing test data to file azb://verticasamexqa.blob.core.windows.net/HodeloBi/ModeloBi_rw_access_test.txt failed.\nTesting rw access to communal location azb://verticasamexqa.blob.core.windows.net/ModeloBi failed\n'
Press RETURN to continue"

One of my doubts is, when placing the communal storage value from the admintools, does it take the azb:// or how it has to be entered, besides the blob storage already has Contributor permissions, does it require anything else to be done in terms of permissions?



  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    it takes azb:// automatically. I hope you have storage blob contributor role assigned. could you please double check?

  • sure, I will validate it again and then only the contributor role on the blob storage is required, right?

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    yes.. basically list, write and read permissions

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