How to confirm if partition reorganize background process is making progress?

I ran a alter table partition reorganize statement on a fairly large dataset. Based on information from Vertica documentation - I can see that we can query 3 tables in v_monitor - partition_status, partitions and reorganize_error.

The 1st time I issued this command, the partition status was 0 for a 24 hour period after which I think the command failed. Now, for this table - I can see the partition_reorganize_percent in v_monitor.partition_status is at 15. I have launched this command again, but apart from waiting for the partition_reorganize_percent to get to 100, Are there any other ways where I can check if the process is actually making any progress.

I have tried the following things so far,
1. Query v_monitor.locks table - Here transaction_description column has info like PartitionProjection.
2. Query v_monitor.tuple_mover_operations for executing operations. Here also, I see static outputs like total_ros_used_bytes but no regular updates or percentage showing the progress
3. Querying v_monitor.partitions is not helping some of the partition_keys have been null and hasn't gotten updated.

So, what is the ideal way to track progress of this partition reorganize operation? How do we make sure that the process is actually running without any issues in the background and not hanging/blocked?




  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    This requires a webex. It looks like it is stuck. Please open a support case.

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