How to access identical bucket on two different S3

I got two instances of S3, and bucket with same name on both.

Config parameters S3BucketConfig and S3BucketCredentials allow to specify bucket only once.

Question: how I can access data from Vertica on two buckets with same name, residing on different S3's?

Thank you


  • SergeBSergeB - Select Field - Employee
    edited September 29

    I think you can specify multiple buckets in the JSON properties

    but bucket names have to be unique.

    Unless you need to acces both uniquely named buckets at the same time, you could probably set appropriate session parameters when accessing one or the other?

  • Hi @SergeB

    Thanks for taking time to answer.

    Your suggestion is to avoid bucket definition on database level, and delegate bucket definition to user session level, on as-need basis. That would work, although users will have access to bucket credentials.

    That immediately create problem with permissions on buckets. Vertica do manage grants on storage location that can be linked to buckets. With defining buckets on session level, I have to give users credentials for bucket access, effectively rendering all vertica grants control obsolete. That would be highly undesirable.

    I think correct solution would be to allow duplicate bucket names. We can add "alias" to bucket definition, default to bucket name. Alias will be unique, bucket name can repeat. Grant swill be working on alias instead of bucket name.
    That will keep compatibility with existing bucket definition, and extend bucket definition to allow for duplicate buckets.

    Please discuss with Vertica team.


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    @scherepanov : I have created a JIRA with engineering. I will keep you posted.

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    @scherepanov : Engineering has responded. To dicuss further on this, please create a support case.

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