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Getting "ERROR 6999: The library [FlexTableLib] was compiled with an incompatible SDK Version [23.3] — Vertica Forum

Getting "ERROR 6999: The library [FlexTableLib] was compiled with an incompatible SDK Version [23.3]

brochabrocha Vertica Customer


We are running Vertica v23.4.0-7
We have a regular table with a varchar column that contains a json string.

Running this query produces an error:

select mapjsonextractor(json_data_col) from mytable where id=1

ERROR 6999:  The library [FlexTableLib] for the function [mapjsonextractor(varchar)] was compiled with an incompatible SDK Version [23.3.0]
HINT:  Recompile the library with the SDK version [23.4.0] and then recreate the library and functions

I saw some messages about this error from 2016 on a much older version of Vertica but nothing recent.

If we should be using some other function to extract data from the json string please let me know. My plan was to use

select maplookup(mapjsonextractor(json_data_col),'name') from mytable where id=1

Thank you,


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    please re install your packages using admintools

This discussion has been closed.