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Vertica 6.1 (Community Edition) — Vertica Forum

Vertica 6.1 (Community Edition)

Vertica 6.1 (Community Edition) is available to download?


  • Right now only 6.0 is available for the CE. As was discussed on our old forums, we're aware that our CE currently lags behind our enterprise edition. We're looking at ways to improve it. So stay tuned!
  • The 6.1SP2 (6.1.2) community edition is now available for download.
  • Could you please provide me the link to download 6.1.2 version?

  • I also need 6.1.2 version now. Can any one provide me the link.
    Help will be greatly appreciated.
  • Hi Aswani and Jana,

    The Vertica Community Edition is always only the latest version of Vertica.  Right now, that is 7.0SP1.  Older versions of the server aren't available as free community downloads.  (We are a commercial product; we have to make money somehow :-)  Supporting and updating multiple past versions takes time and effort on our part; and there's a lot that the latest version of Vertica can do.)

    If you have an Enterprise Edition license for your main cluster, you can log into the http://my.vertica.com/ portal with your EE account; then older versions of Vertica will be available for download.  Versions back as far as 6.1.x will, I believe, default to the CE license; so you don't need to acquire an additional EE license to run small development or test clusters.


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