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python 3 support — Vertica Forum

python 3 support

Hi Folks. We are new to Vertica and excited to try it with our Python 3 programs. However, current (7.0.0) docs [1] indicate only 2.6 support. This is confusing to me because the current version of http://code.google.com/p/pyodbc/ is 3.0.7 (2013-05-19), but the supported version says 2.1.6 (2009-05-24) Is this correct that the latest driver supported is over four years old? This would be a deal breaker for us. Thank you.

[1] Perl and Python Requirements:

Python 2.6.2
pyodbc 2.1.6


  • Hi Matthew,

    We currently only provide official support for the listed Python versions.  That means that we don't test against Python 3; also, If you file a support request for an issue with Python 3, our support team is not familiar with that version so won't be able to help you.

    However, I don't see why it wouldn't work.  PyODBC is just a thin wrapper on top of our C/C++ ODBC driver (which we do support generally).  If you encounter an issue with a query, try reproducing it in C (or using the "isql" shell).  If it reproduces there, it's on our end and we can help with it.  If not, it's in Python 3; you would have to take it up with the PyODBC developers.

    If Python 3 is important to you, you should speak with your sales representative, and/or file an Idea on this site requesting support.  I'm not aware that we've had much demand for it; adoption of Python 3 (generally, not just among Vertica users) has been slower than I would have expected.

    I'm somewhat surprised at the PyODBC versions that we claim to support, though.  I'll double-check on that.  The latest version of PyODBC claims to work with Python 2 as well.

  • Oops, I should have checked before I posted:

    PyODBC 2.1.x is the most recent version supported on many of the Linux distributions that we run on.  We tend to stick to what packagers believe to be reliable.

    If you would like a more-recent version, feel free to request it upstream (Red Hat, SuSE, Canonical, and/or the Debian project).  I see that Ubuntu 14.04, for example, is slated to have an updated PyODBC when it comes out in a few months.

    We will likely run with newer versions as well.  We just don't automatically provide technical support for custom software deployments.
  • Thanks very much for all this, Adam. Looks like I'll have to install, test, and hope.

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