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What is the best way to extract meta-data from Vertica in standard SQL format? — Vertica Forum

What is the best way to extract meta-data from Vertica in standard SQL format?

Given a large database with lots of tables etc., what is the best way to extract the meta-data for those objects in order to use said meta-data to define objects in another Vertica database or a different DB altogether?

Using the formatting options of vsql does not seem to do quite what I want without some extensive editing afterwards.

Thank you, John


  • Hi you can use select export_tables('','your table name') ; You can generate this statmet from tables table for all your tables in the database

  • Thank you!
  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee

    The following example exports all the non-virtual objects to which the user has access to standard output. The example uses false for the last parameter, indicating that the file will not include the MARK_DESIGN_KSAFE statement at the end.

    => SELECT EXPORT_OBJECTS(' ',' ',false);

    see the link for more details:

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