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Client and Server RPMs on the downloads page are incompatible. — Vertica Forum

Client and Server RPMs on the downloads page are incompatible.

Client and server RPMs on the downloads page are incompatible. I downloaded these RPMs ... vertica-7.0.0-1.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm vertica-client-7.0.0-0.x86_64.rpm I successfully installed the server, but I was unable to install the client because it's version-incompatible with the server.


  • Hi Bill,

    Server hotfixes don't break client compatibility; those two versions should be fully compatible.

    What problem are you running into?

  • Hey Adam,

    Thanks for your reply.  Here's what I'm seeing

  • Hey Bill,

    Ah, I see:  The server RPM actually includes the client drivers (because they're needed by some of our bundled tools); you don't need to install the client package if you already have the server package.

    It's probably not the most elegant thing to have overlap between these RPM's.  But it's also not ideal to ask people to download multiple little packages, and RPM doesn't support single-file metapackages to my knowledge.  A yum repository would be clever, but I don't believe yum knows how to log into my.vertica.com and prompt users about license agreements...  Also, that assumes that the Vertica nodes have access to the Internet; this is not always the case, some installations keep their data behind very-restrictive firewalls.

  • Got it.  Thanks Adam.

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