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Where is the ClickStream Example? — Vertica Forum

Where is the ClickStream Example?

I am looking for the sample ClickStream database. The docs say it's in /opt/vertica/examples/ClickStream_Schema, but I only have the VMart example. Where can I download this?


  • Hi,

    Which version of the documentation are you finding the reference to the ClickStream example db? All but the VMart examples were removed from the rpm distributions back in 5.1 and the docs were updated to reflect it as shown below from the New Featres for 5.1. If there's an errant reference we'd like to identify it and clean it up.

    Examples Database Changes

    Vertica now ships with only the multi-schema VMart example database, which both the Tutorial and much of the documentation's example output use.

  • I see it in the 5.0 docs here: https://my.vertica.com/docs/5.0/HTML/Master/4314.htm

    Is it possible to get the ClickStream data? I'm working on a project that it could be perfect for.
  • Hi,

    I did a 5.0  rpm install, extracted the ClickStream example, and tar.gz'd it. You can download it from our ftp site, details below. Note that this was last run against version 5.0 so there may be issues to work through related to the sql syntax and/or .cpp compile for the data generator.

    site               customers.ftp.com
    user             ForumExchange
    pwd             tznjviZ2
    the file name is ClickStream_Example.tar.gz and it's ~650k in size.

    Hope it helps.  Please let me know once you've successfully downloaded and extracted as this ftp location is a temp area.
  • customers.ftp.com is not a valid site ;)
  • Sorry, fat fingered it. It's customers.vertica.com
  • The SQL worked perfectly against MySQL by the way, though the date format in 
    Date_Dimension.tbl is %m/%d/%Y and should be %Y-%m-%d. I haven't tried changing Time.txt yet to work around this.
  • Hi, I'm interested in playing with the databases listed at https://my.vertica.com/docs/4.1/HTML/Master/4374.htm.

    Is it possible to download the sql scripts?

    Thank you
  • Hello, like in Mark's case, the ClickStream data would also be perfect for a project I am working on. I followed the ftp://ftp.vertica.com/ but no files are available. Is it possible to upload them?
    Thanks in advance.
  • Could you please re-upload all datasets, specifically clickstream one.
  • Hi Steve, Can you please reupload the clickstream database? Appreciate your time. Thanks in advance!
  • Clickstream reloaded to same site. Same disclaimer that this was last run against version 5.0 so there may be issues to work through related to the sql syntax and/or .cpp compile for the data generator.

    site               customers.vertica.com
    user             ForumExchange
    pwd             tznjviZ2
    the file name is ClickStream_Example.tar.gz and it's ~650k in size.

  • You are super fast Steve!!! Much appreciate your time and efforts. Thanks again Steve!
  • Hello ... is it possible to upload the clickstream dataset again?  and provide the current FTP login information.



  • Hi,

    We wanted the dataset for a data analysis POC

    Can you upload the dataset again


    Thank you. 


  • Hello Steve,


    I'm looking for some clickstream data and came across your example data. Unfortunately the link is no longer available. Any help please? Thanks

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