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Wt is the equalent datatype for nvarchar of SQLServer in Vertica database.when loading data from sql — Vertica Forum

Wt is the equalent datatype for nvarchar of SQLServer in Vertica database.when loading data from sql

What is the equivalent datatype for nvarchar datatype of SQL Server database in Vertica database. As when loading the nvarchar type data from sql server into vertica database, see the data difference.


  • Hi,

    I think you should be able to use varchar datatype as it supports the multibyte characters.
    Are you getting any kind of error while loading the data, if yes then let me know it. Which version of Vertica are you using?

  • Hi Shobhit,

    Yes, i used varchar datatype only. But i see only data difference not getting any error. 
    "Vertica Analytic Database v7.0.1-0" this version we are using.
  • Hi Mahesh,

    Could you show us the original data and point us the difference that you see after loading it into vertica.

  • Hi Shobhit,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Orginal data in sqlserver:"福州市 " , after data load into vertica it looks like " ->->->".

  • Hi Mahesh,

    How you are migrating the data from sql server to vertica, are you using informatica or some other tools for it.


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