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Difference in space_occupied by disk_storage and du -s(Linux commond) — Vertica Forum

Difference in space_occupied by disk_storage and du -s(Linux commond)

Hi Team,

Can anybody tell me why the Disk_storage Table is showing me more space occupied than the Linux command.

SELECT node_name, SUM(disk_space_used_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_used_gb, SUM(disk_space_free_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_free_gb, SUM((disk_space_used_mb+disk_space_free_mb)/1024) AS disk_space_total_gb FROM v_monitor.disk_storage WHERE storage_usage = 'DATA,TEMP' GROUP BY node_name ORDER BY node_name;


v_vertica_node0001 105.85 1043.81 1149.66
v_vertica_node0002 113.56 1036.09 1149.66
v_vertica_node0003 105.84 1043.81 1149.66
v_vertica_node0004 105.81 1043.84 1149.66

Table is telling me that node is occupied with 105.85 GB where Linux Below telling only 45 GB is occupied.

cd /vertica/data/vertica

du -s
47343816  ~ 45GB only

--Noor Ahmed


  • Just a guess, but is it possible that there are different mountpoints associated with the nodes?  Each node likely has multiple different paths, each with different sizes. Maybe you have other mounts that aren't associated with your /vertica/data/vertica path.  Add storage_path to your query and see if it makes it more reasonable.

  • Hi Curtis,

    I have varified this. Verica is associated with only one mount point.

    SELECT node_name, storage_path,         SUM(disk_space_used_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_used_gb,
             SUM(disk_space_free_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_free_gb,
             SUM((disk_space_used_mb+disk_space_free_mb)/1024) AS disk_space_total_gb
    FROM     v_monitor.disk_storage
    WHERE    storage_usage = 'DATA,TEMP'
    GROUP BY node_name, storage_path
    ORDER BY node_name;

    v_vertica_node0001 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0001_data 133.62 1016.04 1149.66
    v_vertica_node0002 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0002_data 439.47 710.19 1149.66
    v_vertica_node0003 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0003_data 133.61 1016.05  1149.66 v_vertica_node0004 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0004_data 133.62 1016.04 1149.66

    Linux results (Node 1)
    cd /vertica/data/vertica
    du -s
    78760668        ~75Gb

    And when i check the node 2
    cd /vertica/data/vertica
    du -s
    78652260        ~75 GB

    But Vetica showing me 439 GB. Its huge huge difference.

    Can you let me know why the difference is?

    --Noor Ahmed

  • Sorry to bother Curtis again,

    But i need to give the estimation of memory occupied by Vertica Database as compared to Other DB,  to one of my customer and it is very crucial. Can you try to help me ASAP.

    I have checked the Projection Storage. As per my understanding if I sum it ROS_used_Bytes and WOS _Used_Bytes, It should give me the total size in Bytes. I guess This is giving me right result. Means same as that Approximately Linux command(75 GB).

    SELECT PROJECTION_SCHEMA, 'AAAA-Total size' anchor_table_name, 'All Projections' as projection_name, node_name,       SUM(USED_BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 as Used_bytes_In_GB,
      WHERE ANCHOR_TABLE_SCHEMA= 'arc_dw_ca_etl'

    arc_dw_ca_etl AAAA-Total size All Projections v_vertica_node0001 74.09 74.09
    arc_dw_ca_etl AAAA-Total size All Projections v_vertica_node0004 74.09 74.09
    arc_dw_ca_etl AAAA-Total size All Projections v_vertica_node0003 74.09 74.09
    arc_dw_ca_etl AAAA-Total size All Projections v_vertica_node0002 74.09 74.09

    But Still Disk Stogare showing the 113 GB occupied. Which is wrong.

    SELECT node_name, storage_path,         SUM(disk_space_used_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_used_gb,
             SUM(disk_space_free_mb)/1024 AS disk_space_free_gb,
             SUM((disk_space_used_mb+disk_space_free_mb)/1024) AS disk_space_total_gb
    FROM     v_monitor.disk_storage
    WHERE    storage_usage = 'DATA,TEMP'
    GROUP BY node_name, storage_path
    ORDER BY node_name;

    v_vertica_node0001 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0001_data 133.62 1016.04 1149.66
    v_vertica_node0002 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0002_data 439.47 710.19 1149.66
    v_vertica_node0003 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0003_data 133.61 1016.05  1149.66 v_vertica_node0004 /vertica/data/vertica/v_vertica_node0004_data 133.62 1016.04 1149.66

    And even I have verified with GET_COMPLIANCE_STATUS

    Raw Data Size: 0.59TB +/- 0.02TB
     License Size : 5.00TB
     Utilization  : 12%
     Audit Time   : 2014-04-11 06:52:22.790877-04
     Compliance Status : The database is in compliance with respect to raw data size. 

    This is matching with Disk_stogare(~133*4) but not with either Linux nor with Projection_storage.

    Please, please Can some one look into this?
    --Noor Ahmed
  • Hey all,

    Curtis -- hope you don't mind if I cut in briefly...  Noor -- just curious, you have posted the output of "du" on the partition in question; what is the output of "df"?

  • Hi Adam,

    df is also showing me 76 G is used.

    df -h
    Filesystem            Size      Used      Avail       Use% Mounted on
    /dev/xvda1            7.9G     2.4G       5.2G     32% /
    tmpfs                     30G        0           30G     0% /dev/shm
    /dev/md127           1.2T     76G     1017G     7% /vertica/data

    --Noor Ahmed

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