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Syntax error during execution of database designer — Vertica Forum

Syntax error during execution of database designer

I'm trying to run the database designer to fix my cluster's K-safety. I got the following error, which seems like a bug in the designer.
The deployment error is Deployment did not complete successfully.  ERROR - Deployment did not complete because of error -- Error querying: select dp.deployment_id, dp.deployment_projection_id, dp.design_name, dp.deployment_projection_name, dp.anchor_table_schema, dp.anchor_table_name, dp.deployment_operation, dp.deployment_projection_type, dp.deploy_weight, dp.estimated_size_on_disk, sum(deploy_weight) over() as sumweight, stmt.statement_id, stmt.statement, table_id from v_dbd_test-design.vs_deployment_projections as dp left outer join v_dbd_test-design.vs_deployment_projection_statements as stmt using (deployment_id, deployment_projection_id) join v_catalog.tables on (anchor_table_schema=table_schema and anchor_table_name=table_name)  DETAIL:Syntax error at or near "-"
The syntax error appears to be due to a dash I put in the design name. I suggest updating the designer to alert the administrator beforehand that dashes are not allowed in the design name.


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