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Getting - INTERNAL: Internal EE Error (11) when using flex tables — Vertica Forum

Getting - INTERNAL: Internal EE Error (11) when using flex tables



I am using flex tables to process JSON. In the last couple of days I have been getting the error :-


[Vertica][VJDBC](3591) INTERNAL: Internal EE Error (11)
[Vertica][VJDBC]Detail: ecnt > 0


Googling has not been much luck,


I load the flex table using the fjsonparser. Everything had been working fine.


The query is :-


insert into staging.tablename_staging
cast(id as varchar),
substr(cast(category as varchar),0,1999) as 'category',
substr(cast(keys as varchar),0,1999) as 'name',
substr(cast(values as varchar),0,4000) as 'values'
 (select id, category, keys2, keys as keys3, mapitems(values) over (partition by id,category,keys2,keys) from
(select id,category,keys as keys2,mapitems(values) over (partition by id,category,keys) from (select id, keys as 'category',mapitems(values) over (partition by id,keys)
select maplookup(maplookup(__raw__,'_id'),'$oid') as id, mapitems(maplookup(__raw__,'fa')) over (partition by maplookup(maplookup(__raw__,'_id'),'$oid'))
 from staging.flx_tablename
 ) a) b where keys = 'v') c where keys = 'a')d;


Any clues would be helpful.






  • Hi,


      Sorry to hear that you are having trouble.  This does look like an interesting bug.  Would you be willing to share the dataset of the table?  I'd like to reproduce this in house.  Version? Node count?



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