Failed connect to vertica in VM

Hi all! I'm new in Vertica. And try to connect with spark vertica connector to my vertica in VM Virtualbox.

I have this options
val opt = Map(
"host" -> "",
"table" -> "test_table2",
"db" -> "test",
"user" -> "test_user",
"password" -> "test",
"port" -> "5433")

And then try to read
val df2 ="com.vertica.spark.datasource.DefaultSource").options(opt).load()

but I have an Exception
java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Vertica]VJDBC Failed to connect to host on port 5433. Reason: Failed to establish a connection to the primary server or any backup address
Currently I'm using scala 2.10.6 and spark 1.6.2
It is too strange, because my ip is being pinged good. And, when I used simple spark jdbc, scala 2.11 and spark 2.0.x for reading it's worked!
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?



  • I'm running into the same issue with Vertica 8.1 and Spark 2.1. Any recommendations on resolving this?

  • edited July 2017


    VJDBC Failed to connect to host on port 5433. 
    Reason: Failed to establish a connection to [...]

    Check this article - Debugging Client Issues with Client Side Logging

    Try pure java (or DbVisualizer). Is it works?

  • Hi everyone!
    I have this problem too. Spark 2.4.3, Vertica 9.2.1. Has anyone found a solution for this problem?

  • marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    I have never tried to connect Spark to Vertica.

    The error message mentions a host (that's localhost ...), while you're explicitly specifying a host .
    Either a spark config overriding your opt Map? Or some error that prevents Spark from loading your opt Map in the first place?

  • I found the source of the problem. Default settings for vertica node export_ip is localhost(, but when spark tries to connect to vertica, it calls the node ip and connects to node directly. So export_ip should be set to one that is reachable for spark.

  • I am able to connect with Vertica using Spark.

    Try making these 2 changes:
    1) Created Static IP instead of dhcp
    2) Change Network Card type from NTP to Bridge.

  • Hello,
    I have the same problem : java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [Vertica]VJDBC Failed to connect to host ( VIP ) on port 5433. Reason: Failed to establish a connection to the primary server or any backup address
    however , the connexion works using DbVisualizer.
    Any help please ?

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely Administrator

    @safa - What version of Vertica is this (server and JDBC client)? Take a look at the JDBC Connection Property LoginTimeout .

    Setting the value to >= 30 seconds may help.

  • What IPs do you see when running select * from nodes; ?

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