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Removing a wiped node from an existing cluster — Vertica Forum

Removing a wiped node from an existing cluster

I an trying to remove a node that was previously part of my vertica cluster but failed and was rebuilt; so there is no vertica on it at all. I am getting the following error. Is there  a way to force the removal?


I have also tried installing vertica manually on the node but this will not work either.


Any help greatly appreciated.




[root@vertica-host1 ~]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --remove-hosts host-to-remove --failure-threshold NONE
Vertica Analytic Database 7.2.2-1 Installation Tool

>> Validating options...

Mapping hostnames in --remove-hosts (-R) to addresses...
host-to-remove => 192.158.XXX.XXX
>> Starting installation tasks.
>> Getting system information for cluster (this may take a while)...
Default shell on nodes:
192.158.XXX.XXX /bin/bash
192.158.XXX.XXX /bin/bash
192.158.XXX.XXX /bin/bash
192.158.XXX.XXX /bin/bash
192.158.XXX.XXX /bin/bash
>> Validating software versions (rpm or deb)...

>> Beginning new cluster creation...
successfully backed up admintools.conf on 192.158.XXX.XXX
successfully backed up admintools.conf on 192.158.XXX.XXX
successfully backed up admintools.conf on 192.158.XXX.XXX
successfully backed up admintools.conf on 192.158.XXX.XXX
successfully backed up admintools.conf on 192.158.XXX.XXX
>> Creating or validating DB Admin user/group...
Successful on hosts (5): 192.158.XXX.XXX 192.158.XXX.XXX 192.158.XXX.XXX 192.158.XXX.XXX 192.158.XXX.XXX
Provided DB Admin account details: user = dbadmin, group = verticadba, home = /home/dbadmin
Creating group... Group already exists
Validating group... Okay
Creating user... User already exists
Validating user... Okay

>> Validating node and cluster prerequisites...
Error: scp failed. Tried to retrieve '/opt/vertica/log/verify-latest.xml' from '192.158.XXX.XXX'
System prerequisites failed. Threshold = NONE
Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold
Installation FAILED with errors.
AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.


  • Hello all,
    I'm also getting same error while adding new node to cluster

    Validating node and cluster prerequisites...

    Error: scp failed. Tried to retrieve '/opt/vertica/log/verify-latest.xml' from '108.18.XXX.XXX'
    System prerequisites failed. Threshold = NONE
    Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold
    Installation FAILED with errors.
    AdminTools and your existing Vertica databases may be unavailable.
    Investigate the above warnings/errors and re-run installation.

    Need help :(

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Which version of Vertica? Can you post the command you executed?

  • Hello @Jim_Knicely

    command : /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica --add-hosts host2 --rpm vertica-8.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm -u user_testing

    Error: scp failed. Tried to retrieve '/opt/vertica/log/verify-latest.xml' from host2
    System prerequisites failed. Threshold = WARN
    Hint: Fix above failures or use --failure-threshold
    Installation FAILED with errors.
    What I have to change ??

  • version 8.1

  • help me i'm struck

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited February 2018


    Is host2 up? Can you SCP to it without a password as the database admin?

    Also, as the error suggested, did you try running the command with the --failure-threshold=NONE parameter?

    /opt/vertica/sbin/update_vertica --add-hosts host2 --rpm vertica-8.1.1-0.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm -u user_testing --failure-threshold=NONE

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