
Date Interval Subtract

select extract(month from (current_date - interval '1 months'))

I'd expect that to return 09. Instead it returns 10. current_date = 2018-10-31 when this was executed.

Postgresql returns 10 as I expected.

Is this a bug or expected behavior?


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    marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    The more standardised behaviour is not adding / substracting year-to-month intervals from dates, really.

    In Vertica, if you subtract INTERVAL '1 MONTH' from a date type, the result is a timestamp - and that's probably consistent with it assuming a 30 day's difference ...

    ADD_MONTHS has the standard behaviour of ending up with last-of-month if the input is last-of-month. I suppose that's what you're after.

    See this test here:

    WITH testdt(
    , last_of_mar
    , second_last_of_feb
    , second_last_of_mar
    ) AS (
      DATE '2018-02-28'
    , DATE '2018-03-31'
    , DATE '2018-02-27'
    , DATE '2018-03-30'
      last_of_feb        - INTERVAL '1 MONTH' 
      AS last_of_jan
    , last_of_mar        - INTERVAL '1 MONTH' 
      AS last_of_feb
    , second_last_of_feb - INTERVAL '1 MONTH' 
      AS second_last_of_jan
    , second_last_of_mar - INTERVAL '1 MONTH' 
      AS second_last_of_feb
    , ADD_MONTHS(last_of_feb        , -1 )    
      AS last_of_jan_amth
    , ADD_MONTHS(last_of_mar        , -1 )    
      AS last_of_feb_amth
    , ADD_MONTHS(second_last_of_feb , -1 )    
      AS second_last_of_jan_amth
    , ADD_MONTHS(second_last_of_mar , -1 )    
      AS second_last_of_feb_amth
    FROM testdt;

    You'll see that the ADD_MONTHS() expressions behave as you'd expect ...


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    marcothesanemarcothesane - Select Field - Administrator

    The Vertica documentation on Date/Time operators is here:

    And I might add the result of the above script:

    gessnerm@linux-pgkq:~/1/aaa> vsql -x -f /tmp/b.sql
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-----------+--------------------
    last_of_jan             | 2018-01-29 00:00:00
    last_of_feb             | 2018-03-01 00:00:00
    second_last_of_jan      | 2018-01-28 00:00:00
    second_last_of_feb      | 2018-02-28 00:00:00
    last_of_jan_amth        | 2018-01-31
    last_of_feb_amth        | 2018-02-28
    second_last_of_jan_amth | 2018-01-27
    second_last_of_feb_amth | 2018-02-28

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