v_monitor.error_messages Error Codes

I've been trying to get a breakdown of the description of error_code from v_monitor.error_messages, alas to no avail. Does anyone know where I can get a description of all error codes?
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I've been trying to get a breakdown of the description of error_code from v_monitor.error_messages, alas to no avail. Does anyone know where I can get a description of all error codes?
Does this info help?
Hi Jim
Unfortunately not as the errors I see are somewhat different. e.g.
dbadmin=> select distinct error_level, error_code, message from v_monitor.error_messages;
error_level | error_code | message
ERROR | 16801924 | Syntax error at or near "."
ERROR | 16801924 | Syntax error at or near "ORDER"
ERROR | 16801924 | Syntax error at or near "epool_name"
ERROR | 16801924 | Syntax error at or near "like"
ERROR | 16801924 | Syntax error at or near "q"
ERROR | 16932996 | Relation "resorce_acquisitions" does not exist
ERROR | 16932996 | Relation "resource_pool_ststus" does not exist
ERROR | 50360452 | Column "45035996444232585" does not exist
ERROR | 50360452 | Column "GENERAL_MEMORY_BORROWED_KB" does not exist
ERROR | 50360452 | Column "NOTICE" does not exist
ERROR | 50360452 | Column "timestamp" does not exist
ERROR | 50856066 | Timestamp units "iso_week" not recognized
ERROR | 52461700 | Function catalog.timestampadd(unknown, numeric, timestamp) does not exist, or permission is denied for catalog.timestampadd(unknown, numeric, timest
ERROR | 52461700 | Operator does not exist: int >= timestamptz
ERROR | 52461700 | Operator does not exist: int ~~ unknown
Hi, could you be more specific what you need? The "error_code" is the internal Vertica code number. The message is what is returned to the client. Do you need:
The SQLSTATE value, which is SQLSTATE 22023 with Description: ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE;
Or the Vertica error code shown in the docs, which is
ERROR 2624: Column "string" does not exist
Also, note errors listed in the docs are specific to each Vertica release! Don't compare the errors listed for 9.2 to an 8.1 DB
From development: that error_code is the SQL state, encoded with 6 bits for each of the 5 alphanumeric characters in the code. So:
16801924 = 000100, 000010, 000110, 000000, 000001 = SQLState 42601 That's the SQL state for Syntax Error. If you take that and go to the back of manual, you'll see the Vertica-specific errors that go with this SQLState. The vertica-specific code tells which one.
You can convert the error_code to SQLSTATE using the following:
Great, thank you Bryan & Jim for your help for clarifying.