How to access variable name inside single quotes.

we have a database setup script where we set the schema name at just one place. like:
\set schema_name 'athena'
and later uses it other places like
create table if not exists (....);
There are some places where we need to access schema_name variable inside singe quotes.
select refresh('');
select analyze_statistics('');
How can I access variable name inside single quotes?
Best Answer
marcothesane - Select Field - Administrator
Some try-and-error brought me to this possibility:
Put the table name into another variable, then it could work ..., like here ...\set schema_name public \set table_name foo \set obj_s '''':schema_name'.':table_name'''' \echo :obj_s -- out '' select count(*) from; -- out count -- out ------- -- out 42 select analyze_statistics(:obj_s); -- out analyze_statistics -- out -------------------- -- out 0