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Failure in building EON mode database — Vertica Forum

Failure in building EON mode database

Ting_caiTing_cai Vertica Customer Employee
edited June 2020 in General Discussion

Hello team,
Currently customer managed to install vertica, but he is facing some issues in building EON mode database as belows:
(He deployed vertica on Ali Cloud server with IP xxx.xx.xxx.46.
(note:OS: centos6.9, Vertica Community Edition 10.0))

[dbadmin@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]$ admintools -t list_host
[dbadmin@iZbp1ad4m1v829ewg2nuacZ ~]$ admintools -t create_db -x auth_params.conf -s '' -d VMart -p 123 --depot-path=/home/dbadmin/depot --shard-count=2 --communal-storage-location=oss://xxxxx-bucket -D /home/dbadmin/data/ -c /home/dbadmin/catalog/ --depot-size 10G
Database with 1 or 2 nodes cannot be k-safe and it may lose data if it crashes
Distributing changes to cluster.
Creating database VMart
Bootstrap on host xxx.xx.xxx.46return code -6 stdout '' stderr ''
Error: Bootstrap on host xxx.xx.xxx.46 return code -6 stdout '' stderr ''

Please kindly check and assist.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer


  • Ting_caiTing_cai Vertica Customer Employee

    Customer has fixed the issue, thank you. But he is facing another new issue, I'll set up a new discussion.

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