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Column encoding change on vertica 10 not work — Vertica Forum

Column encoding change on vertica 10 not work

Vertica Customer

I try change column encoding, but it doesn't work as expected.
My test:
I have table :

openx=> select export_objects('','test.test1');

CREATE TABLE test.test1
    language_id int

CREATE PROJECTION test.test1 /*+createtype(P)*/
 SELECT test1.language_id
 FROM test.test1
 ORDER BY test1.language_id
SEGMENTED BY hash(test1.language_id) ALL NODES KSAFE 1;

Check size

    ROUND(SUM(used_bytes)/(1024^2),1)::FLOAT AS size_Mb
    anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    and projection_schema = 'test'
--    and projection_name = 'mnt_compiled_stats_full_new_b0'
    5 DESC;

 projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions | size_Mb
 test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    |    7005
 test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    |    7005
 test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         |      41
 test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         |      41

Tnen, i change encoding and execute mergeout

openx=> alter table test.test1 alter column language_id encoding BLOCK_DICT projections (test.test1_b0,test.test1_b1);
WARNING 9385:  New encoding will not be applied to existing projection data of this table; this change will be applied only on mergeout
openx=> select do_tm_task('mergeout','test.test1');
 Task: mergeout
(Table: test.test1) (Projection: test.test1_b0)
(Table: test.test1) (Projection: test.test1_b1)

(1 row)

Check size again - nothing changed.

projection_name  column_name  encodings     compressions  size_Mb  
---------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  -------  
test1_b0         language_id  Uncompressed  int delta     7005.0   
test1_b1         language_id  Uncompressed  int delta     7005.0   
test1_b0         epoch        Int_Delta     none          41.0     
test1_b1         epoch        Int_Delta     none          41.0  

Vertica vertsion

openx=> SELECT version();
 Vertica Analytic Database v10.0.0-3


  • Vertica Employee Employee

    I tried your scenario in 10.0.1, and the result was as expected.

     projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions | size_Mb
     test1_super     | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    |   954.7
     test1_super     | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         |   425.1


     projection_name | column_name | encodings  | compressions | size_Mb
     test1_super     | language_id | Block_Dict | none         |   916.1
     test1_super     | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         |   839.9

    Please check the encoding type has been changed on your projection on exported DDL exported by the following statement.

    SELECT export_objects('','test.test1');

    When you ran the mergeout, did you see any error message in vertica.log file?

  • Vertica Customer

    @Hibiki said:
    Please check the encoding type has been changed on your projection on exported DDL exported by the following statement.

    SELECT export_objects('','test.test1');

    When you ran the mergeout, did you see any error message in vertica.log file?

    Hello @Hibiki,

    openx=> select export_objects('','test.test1');
    CREATE TABLE test.test1
        language_id int
    CREATE PROJECTION test.test1 /*+createtype(P)*/
     language_id ENCODING BLOCK_DICT
     SELECT test1.language_id
     FROM test.test1
     ORDER BY test1.language_id
    SEGMENTED BY hash(test1.language_id) ALL NODES KSAFE 1;

    DDL projection is changed, but old data not re-encoding.
    No, i didn't see, mergeout worked without errrors in vertica.log

  • Vertica Employee Employee

    Can you check the projection definitions and the histories of mergeout by using the following queries?

    SELECT projection_name, projection_basename, is_up_to_date
    FROM projections
    WHERE projection_schema = 'test' AND anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    ORDER BY projection_name;
    SELECT projection_name, projection_column_name, data_type, encoding_type
    FROM projection_columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'test' AND table_name = 'test1'
    ORDER BY projection_name, projection_column_name;
    SELECT node_name, projection_name, column_name, encodings, compressions
    FROM column_storage
    WHERE anchor_table_schema = 'test' AND anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    ORDER BY node_name, projection_name, column_name;
    SELECT operation_start_timestamp, node_name, projection_name, ros_count, total_ros_used_bytes, operation_status, is_executing
    FROM tuple_mover_operations
    WHERE operation_name = 'Mergeout' AND table_schema = 'test' AND table_name = 'test1'
    ORDER BY operation_start_timestamp DESC;
    SELECT mr."time", mr.node_name, pr.projection_name, mr.request_type, mr.event_type
    FROM dc_mergeout_requests mr
    JOIN projections pr ON mr.projection_oid = pr.projection_id
    WHERE pr.anchor_table_name = 'test1' AND pr.projection_schema = 'test'
    ORDER BY mr."time" DESC;
  • Vertica Customer

    @Hibiki said:
    Can you check the projection definitions and the histories of mergeout by using the following queries?

    openx=> SELECT projection_name, projection_basename, is_up_to_date
    openx-> FROM projections
    openx-> WHERE projection_schema = 'test' AND anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY projection_name;
     projection_name | projection_basename | is_up_to_date
     test1_b0        | test1               | t
     test1_b1        | test1               | t
    (2 rows)
    openx=> SELECT projection_name, projection_column_name, data_type, encoding_type
    openx-> FROM projection_columns
    openx-> WHERE table_schema = 'test' AND table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY projection_name, projection_column_name;
     projection_name | projection_column_name | data_type | encoding_type
     test1_b0        | language_id            | int       | BLOCK_DICT
     test1_b1        | language_id            | int       | BLOCK_DICT
    (2 rows)
    openx=> SELECT node_name, projection_name, column_name, encodings, compressions
    openx-> FROM column_storage
    openx-> WHERE anchor_table_schema = 'test' AND anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY node_name, projection_name, column_name;
        node_name     | projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions
     v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none
     v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta
     v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none
     v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta
    (4 rows)
    openx=> SELECT operation_start_timestamp, node_name, projection_name, ros_count, total_ros_used_bytes, operation_status, is_executing
    openx-> FROM tuple_mover_operations
    openx-> WHERE operation_name = 'Mergeout' AND table_schema = 'test' AND table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY operation_start_timestamp DESC;
       operation_start_timestamp   |    node_name     | projection_name | ros_count | total_ros_used_bytes | operation_status | is_executing
    (0 rows)
    openx=> SELECT mr."time", mr.node_name, pr.projection_name, mr.request_type, mr.event_type
    openx-> FROM dc_mergeout_requests mr
    openx-> JOIN projections pr ON mr.projection_oid = pr.projection_id
    openx-> WHERE pr.anchor_table_name = 'test1' AND pr.projection_schema = 'test'
    openx-> ORDER BY mr."time" DESC;
                 time              |    node_name     | projection_name |   request_type   |    event_type
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.45868-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.45865-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.447868-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.44785-05  | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440361-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440342-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440057-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440032-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440029-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439886-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439718-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439687-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.43919-05  | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439161-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.437716-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.437698-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362344-05 | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362302-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362216-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.36221-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361829-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361802-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361782-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.36178-05  | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361763-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361717-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.3617-05   | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361683-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361682-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361673-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.360517-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.360433-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
    (32 rows)
  • Vertica Customer

    When i execute next insert in this table and run mergeout - TM re-encoding

    openx=> insert /* +direct*/ into test.test1
    openx-> select language_id from  test.test_full limit 10000000;
    (1 row)
    openx=> commit;
    openx=> select do_tm_task('mergeout','test.test1');
     Task: mergeout
    (Table: test.test1) (Projection: test.test1_b0)
    (Table: test.test1) (Projection: test.test1_b1)
    (1 row)
    openx=> SELECT node_name, projection_name, column_name, encodings, compressions
    openx-> FROM column_storage
    openx-> WHERE anchor_table_schema = 'test' AND anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY node_name, projection_name, column_name;
        node_name     | projection_name | column_name | encodings  | compressions
     v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none
     v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | language_id | Block_Dict | none
     v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none
     v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | language_id | Block_Dict | none
    (4 rows)
    openx=> SELECT operation_start_timestamp, node_name, projection_name, ros_count, total_ros_used_bytes, operation_status, is_executing
    openx-> FROM tuple_mover_operations
    openx-> WHERE operation_name = 'Mergeout' AND table_schema = 'test' AND table_name = 'test1'
    openx-> ORDER BY operation_start_timestamp DESC;
       operation_start_timestamp   |    node_name     | projection_name | ros_count | total_ros_used_bytes | operation_status | is_executing
     2020-09-25 05:26:03.602269-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        |         2 |             10183168 | Complete         | f
     2020-09-25 05:26:03.454343-05 | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        |         2 |             10183168 | Complete         | f
     2020-09-25 05:26:02.336911-05 | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        |         2 |             10183168 | Start            | f
     2020-09-25 05:26:02.336263-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        |         2 |             10183168 | Start            | f
    (4 rows)
    openx=> SELECT mr."time", mr.node_name, pr.projection_name, mr.request_type, mr.event_type
    openx-> FROM dc_mergeout_requests mr
    openx-> JOIN projections pr ON mr.projection_oid = pr.projection_id
    openx-> WHERE pr.anchor_table_name = 'test1' AND pr.projection_schema = 'test'
    openx-> ORDER BY mr."time" DESC;
                 time              |    node_name     | projection_name |   request_type   |    event_type
     2020-09-25 05:26:03.602291-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | MERGEOUT         | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:26:03.454363-05 | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | MERGEOUT         | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.45868-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.45865-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.447868-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.44785-05  | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440361-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440342-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440057-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440032-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.440029-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439886-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439718-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439687-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.43919-05  | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.439161-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.437716-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.437698-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_COMPLETED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362344-05 | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362302-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.362216-05 | v_openx_node0001 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.36221-05  | v_openx_node0004 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361829-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361802-05 | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361782-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.36178-05  | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361763-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361717-05 | v_openx_node0006 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.3617-05   | v_openx_node0003 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361683-05 | v_openx_node0008 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361682-05 | v_openx_node0007 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.361673-05 | v_openx_node0005 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.360517-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b1        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
     2020-09-25 05:20:14.360433-05 | v_openx_node0002 | test1_b0        | RECOMPUTE_LIMITS | REQUEST_QUEUED
    (34 rows)

    And column size changed

    openx=> SELECT
    openx-> projection_name,
    openx->     column_name,
    openx->     encodings,
    openx->     compressions,
    openx->     ROUND(SUM(used_bytes)/(1024^2),1)::FLOAT AS size_Mb
    openx-> FROM
    openx->     column_storage
    openx-> WHERE
    openx->     anchor_table_name = 'test1'
    openx->     and projection_schema = 'test'
    openx-> GROUP BY
    openx->     1,2,3,4
    openx-> ORDER BY
    openx->     5 DESC;
     projection_name | column_name | encodings  | compressions | size_Mb
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         |     0.5
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         |     0.5
     test1_b0        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         |     0.1
     test1_b1        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         |     0.1
    (4 rows)
  • Vertica Employee Employee

    Thank you for sharing the detailed information. I guess Mergeout you ran after changing the column encoding didn't need to merge the ROS containers. Can you check the number of ROS files when you run Mergeout?

    [Original status for each column on each node]
     projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions |    node_name     | ros_count | size_Mb
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |        38 |     3.2
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |        38 |     3.1
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |        38 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |        38 |     1.5
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |        38 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |        38 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |        38 |     3.1
    => SELECT do_tm_task('mergeout', 'test.test1');
    [The status after Mergeout without changing the column encoding]
     projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions |    node_name     | ros_count | size_Mb
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     3.1
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     3.1
    => ALTER TABLE test.test1 ALTER COLUMN language_id ENCODING BLOCK_DICT PROJECTIONS (test.test1_b0,test.test1_b1);
    => SELECT do_tm_task('mergeout', 'test.test1');
    [The status after Mergeout after changing the column encoding]
     projection_name | column_name |  encodings   | compressions |    node_name     | ros_count | size_Mb
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     3.1
     test1_b0        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta    | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     2.8
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     3.2
     test1_b1        | language_id | Uncompressed | int delta    | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     3.1
    => INSERT INTO test.test1 SELECT * FROM test.test1;
    => COMMIT;
    => SELECT do_tm_task('mergeout', 'test.test1');
    [The status after Mergeout after loading some data into projections]
     projection_name | column_name | encodings  | compressions |    node_name     | ros_count | size_Mb
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     5.7
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     5.5
     test1_b0        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     5.6
     test1_b0        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     5.1
     test1_b0        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |       5
     test1_b0        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     5.1
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     5.6
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     5.7
     test1_b1        | epoch       | Int_Delta  | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |     5.5
     test1_b1        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0001 |         1 |     5.1
     test1_b1        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0002 |         1 |     5.1
     test1_b1        | language_id | Block_Dict | none         | v_trial_node0003 |         1 |       5

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