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List the functions within Vertica packages — Vertica Forum

List the functions within Vertica packages

Are there docs or a command to list the functions within the various Vertica packages, and conversely which package a particular Vertica function is in? Specifically, the command below lists the available packages, but what is available within txtindex or VFunctions?

I've recently run into a couple cases where a package expected to be installed by default wasn't, but could be by running admintools -t install_package -d mydb -P <package> --force-reinstall -p <password> where <package> is one of the below. For now I've reinstalled each

But out of curiosity, I tried searching Googling and searching Vertica docs for terms like "packages" and
"VFunctions" with no immediate results.

~]$ admintools -t list_packages 
             Package Description
                 AWS Amazon Web Services Package
     MachineLearning In-dataBase Machine Learning package.
       ParquetExport Functions that support Parquet Export
      SparkConnector Spark connector for reading from and writing into Vertica
          VFunctions Vertica functions
         approximate Probabilistic/Approximate Aggregation Functions
           flextable Flexible Tables Data Load and Query
                hcat Java/HCatalog data load and query
               kafka Kafka streaming load and export
           logsearch Common Advanced text search functions
               place Geospatial Data Query
            txtindex Common string-manipulation functions
       voltagesecure Voltage SecureData functions

Best Answer

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Maybe something like this?

         , l.description
         , f.schema_name function_schema
         , f.function_name
         , f.procedure_type function_type
      FROM user_functions f
      JOIN user_libraries l ON f.function_definition ILIKE '%' || lib_name || '%'
      ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4;

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