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Random execution abortion — Vertica Forum

Random execution abortion


We are using Vertica 11 in EON mode and recently queries started to error out with the following message:

Execution aborted by cluster configuration changes at catalog version 16303971, more recent than our latest sync at version 16303749 on this node

Can someone shed some light on what can causes these messages?



  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    We'll need more information: What exact patch is running? Was there any output in vertica.log on the node where the query was initiated? Did Vertica generate an ErrorReport.txt on the node where the query was initiated?

  • Bryan_HBryan_H Vertica Employee Administrator

    We'll need more information: What exact patch is running? Was there any output in vertica.log on the node where the query was initiated? Did Vertica generate an ErrorReport.txt on the node where the query was initiated?

  • Hi Brian,

    We are using Vertica Accelerator, don't have access to those logs.

  • Current version: Vertica Analytic Database v11.0.0-1

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