
JBoss 7 datasource

Hallo, I have a problem. How can I access vertica with an application running in JBoss? How does the data source xml file and the standalone.xml file look like? In May we stwiched from mysql to vertica. Our application is running in a JBoss 7.1. That's, what I did: 1. I have added a module with the vertica-jdbc.jar in my JBoss. 2. Then I added a driver to my standalone.xml: com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource 3. At last I deployed the a datasource file with the following content: jdbc:vertica://localhost:5433/oaslt_dwh vertica false false falsefalsetest test falsefalseSELECT 1 from dual false But my application is not able to connect to the vertica db? Did I miss something? Please help me. Thank you. Katrin


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    Sorry. My datasource file looks like: jdbc:vertica://localhost:5433/oaslt_dwh vertica false false falsefalsetest test falsefalseSELECT 1 from dual false
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    Sorry. I have to remove < brackets. Otherwise the editor doesn't show the correct content of my datasource file: datasources> xa-datasource jndi-name="java:/dwh" pool-name="dwh" enabled="true" use-ccm="false"> xa-datasource-property name="URL"> jdbc:vertica://localhost:5433/oaslt_dwh /xa-datasource-property> driver>vertica/driver> xa-pool> is-same-rm-override>false/is-same-rm-override> interleaving>false/interleaving> pad-xid>false/pad-xid> wrap-xa-resource>false/wrap-xa-resource> /xa-pool> security> user-name>test/user-name> password>test/password> /security> validation> validate-on-match>false/validate-on-match> background-validation>false/background-validation> check-valid-connection-sql>SELECT 1 from dual /check-valid-connection-sql> /validation> statement> share-prepared-statements>false/share-prepared-statements> /statement> /xa-datasource> /datasources>
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    Hallo Amelia, sorry, two hours ago we solved the problem. Thank you very much for xour time. Best regards Katrin
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    Hi, We are getting class cast exception when we use the same setting above. It says, vertica DataSource cannot be cast to javax DataSource. Thank you.

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    Can You post how you configured XADataSource with Vertica ?
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    HibikiHibiki Vertica Employee Employee

    I configured the data source for Vertica in JBoss EAP 7.0.0.GA as below.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="com.vertica">
            <property name="jboss.api" value="unsupported"/>
            <resource-root path="vertica-jdbc-11.0.2-0.jar"/>
            <system export="true">
                    <path name="javax/naming"/>
                    <path name="javax/net"/>
                    <path name="javax/net/ssl"/>
                    <path name="javax/security/auth/callback"/>
                    <path name="javax/security/auth/login"/>
                    <path name="javax/sql"/>


    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:4.0">
            <datasource jndi-name="java:/datasources/datasource_name" pool-name="pool-name" enabled="true" use-java-context="true">
                <driver name="vertica" module="com.vertica"/>

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