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Integration with MQTT — Vertica Forum

Integration with MQTT

Currently, I was trying to integrate Vertica with MQTT, I tried to follow the technical exploration tutorial below but I get stuck on step 3 executing the copy_all_files_to_vertica.py. I notice that the test environment is using Vertica 11 while in my development environment is Vertica9.


The error I received was data_0_completed.JSON
Connection closed by Vertica
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mqtt/copy_all_files_to_vertica.py", line 43, in
File "mqtt/copy_all_files_to_vertica.py", line 33, in get_all_the_files_list_copy_to_vertica
dbObj = DatabaseManager()
File "mqtt/copy_all_files_to_vertica.py", line 11, in init
AttributeError: 'DatabaseManager' object has no attribute 'conn'
Exception ignored in: >
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "mqtt/copy_all_files_to_vertica.py", line 24, in del
AttributeError: 'DatabaseManager' object has no attribute 'cur'

Is it a product limitation on Vertica 9 or is it possible for me to integrate MQTT with Vertica 9?


  • Vertica Employee Employee
    edited October 2022

    Hello Yongwei,

    Can you also provide us the code you have used in the DatabaseManager class in the copy_all_files_to_vertica.py?

    and you able to connect to your vertica 9 instance successfully from other tools?


  • Vertica Employee Employee
    edited October 2022

    Hi Yongwei,

    We have integrated MQTT with Vertica 11 and Today I have Tested MQTT with Vertica 12.0.1 and it's working fine.

    Can you try to upgrade to Vertica 11 or latest version(recommended) of Vertica?

    I Hope your Vertica9 is working fine(You can check via VSQL) and you have entered Correct Vertica connection details in database manager class?

    Rajasekhar Vuppala

  • Vertica Customer

    Hi, sure I will test it out tomorrow. this is the code that I'm using.
    import vertica_python
    import os

    class DatabaseManager():
    def init(self):
    conn_info = {'host': 'host.com', 'port': 5450, 'user': 'dbadmin', 'password': 'password', 'database': 'PREDICTIVEMAINT'}
    self.conn = vertica_python.connect(**conn_info)
    except Exception as e:
    self.cur = self.conn.cursor()

    def add_del_update_db_record(self, sql_query, args=()):
        self.cur.execute(sql_query, args)
    def copy_JSON_records_to_vertica(self, sql_query, args=()):
        self.cur.copy(sql_query, args)
    def __del__(self):

    The below function will be continuosly looking for JSON files with "completed" name in them

    def get_all_the_files_list_copy_to_vertica():
    while (True):
    for i in os.listdir():
    if "completed" in i:
    dbObj = DatabaseManager()
    with open(i, "rb") as fs:
    dbObj.copy_JSON_records_to_vertica("COPY mqtt.Sensor_Data( DeviceID, pH, EC, Latitude, Longtitude, DateTime) FROM STDIN parser fjsonparser()", fs)
    del dbObj
    print ("Inserted Sensor Data into Database.")
    print ("")


  • Vertica Employee Employee

    Hi @yongwei ,

    Code looks good.

    Can you update the Vertica to Vertica 11 or latest version of Vertica.

    Please let us know how it goes.

  • Vertica Customer
    edited October 2022

    thanks for the support, the code is working now in vertica 9 and previously it doesn't work because i put the wrong credentials

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