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Vertica database will not start if LDAPLink parameters consist of special char, for example "ü" — Vertica Forum

Vertica database will not start if LDAPLink parameters consist of special char, for example "ü"

raulk89raulk89 Community Edition User
edited January 2023 in General Discussion

Vertica 12.0.2

If you have LDAPLink set up the way that those parameter Distinguished Name consist of special chars, for example "ü" (also "ä", "ö", "õ", ..), then your database will not start !


When I try to start it

su - dbadmin -c "admintools -t start_db -d xxxxdb"
Info: no password specified, using none
Going with traditional slower startup
Spread encryption is enabled. Key rotation will be performed.

  • Database config synchronization step failed. Please check logs *
    Database xxxxdb did not start successfully: Unable to synchronize database config on all nodes..
    Hint: if you use Eon mode, then you may need to start all primary nodes.

admintools.log file is following:

2023-01-06 16:51:29.703 admintools/3870:0x7fd978c37740 [ATFileCopy._copyPathImpl] Copy Failed on x.x.x.x: status=Failure host=x.x.x.x version=vertica.engine.api.at_send_file/1.0.0 content={"runner_ack": true} error_message=file length mismatch 10064 does not match source: 10071
2023-01-06 16:51:29.703 admintools/3870:0x7fd978c37740 [adminExec.synchronizeDatabaseConfig] [synchronize vertica.conf] failure to send to host x.x.x.x
2023-01-06 16:51:29.703 admintools/3870:0x7fd978c37740 [adminExec.dbStart] * Database config synchronization step failed. Please check logs *
2023-01-06 16:51:29.703 admintools/3870:0x7fd978c37740 [commandLineCtrl.startDB] Database xxxxdb did not start successfully: Unable to synchronize database config on all nodes..
Hint: if you use Eon mode, then you may need to start all primary nodes.

Note that. Seems like it is some kind of multibyte char bug. So this length function does not seem to take into account that there may not be only single byte chars.

error_message=file length mismatch 10064 does not match source: 10071

I modified file: /var/lib/vertica/xxxxdb/v_xxxxdb_node0001_catalog/vertica.conf
And removed these two parameters:


Now database starts fine. And these same rows, that I removed from vertica.conf file, are returned there back.
So if I restart database again, I will get same error.



  • VValdarVValdar Vertica Employee Employee

    Hi Raul,
    This looks like a bug, can you open a support ticket?

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    This is a known issue. it has been fixed in 12.0.3. Please upgrade your cluster. If you need more details on the bug, please open a support case.

  • Is v 12.0.3 already out?

  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator
  • raulk89raulk89 Community Edition User
    edited January 2023

    I did open SR - this SR has been idle'ing for almost 2 weeks with nothing helpful.

    I reported this bug:
    Date/Time Opened
    06/1/2023, 15:50

    I am telling you, I am getting better feedback from vertica forum posts than from vertica support.
    Last useful info I get from support was this: They opened this for DEV team JIRA ID for reference is VER-85092.
    And nothing more. Now from this forum post I see that there is a fix - which is not mentioned at all on vertica support.


  • raulk89raulk89 Community Edition User
    edited January 2023

    It is not fixed !
    Why would you misconfuse people like that ???

    I just upgraded, I get same error

    rpm -qa | grep vertica

    su - dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t start_db -d xxxxdb"
    Info: no password specified, using none
    Going with traditional slower startup
    Spread encryption is enabled. Key rotation will be performed.

    • Database config synchronization step failed. Please check logs *
      Database xxxxdb did not start successfully: Unable to synchronize database config on all nodes..
      Hint: if you use Eon mode, then you may need to start all primary nodes.


    **2023-01-24 10:08:46.914 admintools/3689991:0x7f8155143740 [ATFileCopy._copyPathImpl] Copy Failed on x.x.x.x: status=Failure host=x.x.x.x version=vertica.engine.api.at_send_file/1.0.0 content={"runner_ack": true} error_message=file length mismatch 10221 does not match source: 10228

    I AGAIN modified vertica.conf file and removed those 2 parameters.

    vi /var/lib/vertica/xxxxdb/v_xxxxdb_node0001_catalog/vertica.conf

    And it starts up.

    su - dbadmin -c "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools -t start_db -d xxxxdb"
    Info: no password specified, using none
    Going with traditional slower startup
    Spread encryption is enabled. Key rotation will be performed.
    Starting nodes:
    v_xxxxdb_node0001 (x.x.x.x)
    Starting Vertica on all nodes. Please wait, databases with a large catalog may take a while to initialize.
    Node Status: v_xxxxdb_node0001: (DOWN)
    Node Status: v_xxxxdb_node0001: (DOWN)
    Node Status: v_xxxxdb_node0001: (DOWN)
    Node Status: v_xxxxdb_node0001: (DOWN)
    Node Status: v_xxxxdb_node0001: (UP)

        Vertica version upgrade detected. Running upgrade tasks.

    Creating procedures directory if it doesn't already exist
    Running upgrade hooks
    Upgrading (reinstalling) ComplexTypes package
    Success: package ComplexTypes installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) DelimitedExport package
    Success: package DelimitedExport installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) MachineLearning package
    Success: package MachineLearning installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) OrcExport package
    Success: package OrcExport installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) ParquetExport package
    Success: package ParquetExport installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) VFunctions package
    Success: package VFunctions installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) approximate package
    Success: package approximate installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) flextable package
    Success: package flextable installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) kafka package
    Success: package kafka installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) logsearch package
    Success: package logsearch installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) place package
    Success: package place installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) txtindex package
    Success: package txtindex installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) voltagesecure package
    Success: package voltagesecure installed
    Upgrading (reinstalling) JsonExport package
    Success: package JsonExport installed
    Database xxxxdb: Startup Succeeded. All Nodes are UP


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator
    edited January 2023

    @raulk89 I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. As per the JIRA, it contains the fix when Japanese/chinese/special characters such as 'ü' are present. It looks like you are still getting the issue after upgrade. please open support case and we can get more details and file a bug accordingly

    LDAPLinkFilterGroup and LDAPLinkFilterUser containing multibyte chars preventing db from starting

  • raulk89raulk89 Community Edition User
    edited January 2023

    I have SR opened up since 6. of January
    No new updates for that SR.


  • raulk89raulk89 Community Edition User
    edited January 2023

    And by the way, "ü" is the only special character for me, when I remove it from all the places, database will start up.

    So "ü" is very much still the issue for me.

    ü - "uuml;"


  • SruthiASruthiA Administrator

    thank you @raulk89 . we will communicate via SR.

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